Winter 2019 Newsletter
(L-R) Olma Inocentes, Cristina Sison, Amante Bustamante, Ron Sayco, James Mata, Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Patrick Chuasoto, Jebo Lopez, and Marie Valmonte.
Fil-Am Men in Business - September 26, 2019
Following the success of “Filipinas in Business: Making Mindset Matter” back in March 2019, the Philippine Embassy and the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce Metro DC (PACC-DC) collaborated once again to host a similar event.
This time. the event would feature Filipino-American men who have succeeded in various fields of business. Our panel consisted of Ron Sayco, CFO of cyber security solutions provider Merlin International; James Mata, President and Owner of Maryland Premier Exteriors and Ruuf Roofing and Co-Owner of Sunset Ridge Assisted Living; Jebo Lopez, CEO and Owner of local courier WHEELZ UP and dockless electric scooters business BOLTZ UP; and Amante Bustamante, CTO and part owner of Ashburn Consulting LLC.
PACC-DC At 2019 FPACC Conference in Chicago
This past Nov 8th to 10th, PACC-DC, represented by President Cristina Sison, participated in the Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce (FPACC) 2019 Conference hosted by the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Chicago (PACCGC).
Membership Drive
We would like to welcome all the new PACC-DC members who signed up between September and November. May we work together to collaborate and explore more opportunities for success in your respective professions and businesses. Again, wishing everyone a warm welcome! Mabuhay!
Alexandra Salvador - Housing Partnership Equity Trust REIT I, LLC
Jennie Avendano - Georgetown University Hospital/Lifestyles Team Global
Audrey Holmes - COMPASS Sison Homes Team
Ken Mendoza - FABA of Metropolitan D.C., Inc.
Alvin Barnuevo - Egg Karne
Lan Tran - Orthodontic Precision
Thomas Baltazar - Comprehensive Approach Solutions, LLC
Denise Lee - Social Burger
Katie Perera - Hilton and NAAAP D.C.
For any questions on membership, please check our membership page or call our awesome PACC-DC Membership Director Eugene Cunanan at 301-456-6834. He can answer any questions you might have concerning membership.
FIL-AM EXPO 2020 Update
The inaugural Filipino-American Expo 2020 is set for June 13-14, 2020. Plans are underway to honor successful Filipino-Americans who have excelled in Business, Arts, and Culture. We are also excited to celebrate the biggest gathering of Filipino-Americans in the Nation’s capital!
Want to be a part of this major event next year?
Promote the event to your friends and family and buy tickets today!
Become an exhibitor at the Expo! Check out the venue map and the relevant contract information here. Please reserve your booths as early as possible. Contact Marie Valmonte (202-780-3920) or email at if interested and we can talk further.
Join the Sponsorship committee. Let us mobilize the Fil-Am connection especially since diversity and equal opportunity is allotted for corporate sponsorship. Please review our sponsorship packages and then contact Ryan Namata at or RJ Diokno at
Performer at the Expo! If you or anyone you know would like to perform at the Expo, please fill out this form and don’t hesitate to reach out to Francis Faina at 202-836-1808 or email at You can also go and register at
Honor and celebrate Filipino-American excellence in the DMV area by sharing stories of individuals who have made a big difference in business, arts, and culture in the community.
If you know anyone who should be a speaker at the Expo, please reach out by email to
Olma Inocentes at
There are available opportunities to volunteer at the Fil-Am Expo. For anyone interested to take a much bigger responsibility, and if you think your skill set is something we might need, please contact us here. We want to make this event the best one yet and we will need help to get there!
Please use these hashtags on social media:
#filamexpo #filamexpo2020 #ProudtobeFilAm #paccdc #filams # entrepreneurs
PACC-DC 2020 Elections
The PACC DC elections will be held on January 30th, 2020, at which time a special election committee will be appointed to oversee the proceedings per PACC-DC bylaws. Please save the date.
We want to make PACC-DC the go-to organization in business development for Filipino-Americans/ We also want to be a strong organization advocating for Filipino-American interests in the community. Please join us.
Note: only PACC-DC members with paid dues are eligible to vote.
Venue TBD.
Thanksgiving Message from the President
First of all, I would like to thank you all for your support in our efforts to rebuild and strengthen the Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce of Metro Washington D.C. into a strong and viable force in the Filipino-American Community. It has been a hectic past two years and still the journey continues. We are not done yet!
This Thanksgiving, I am ever grateful for the support of the PACC-DC officers, active members, and volunteers. You are definitely making a big difference in building up the Filipino-American Community to be recognized as a strong and successful ethnic minority in our Nation’s Capital.
As President of PACC-DC, I am focused on creating business opportunities in the Philippine and tghe US for our members. There is still a lot to be done and I feel that this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more we can and should do as a community and I’m excited and optimistic moving forward.
Did you know that there is a huge Filipino-American community of almost 100k in the DMV Area (DC, Maryland, Virginia)? Imagine what we could accomplish if we all came together to promote and create business opportunities, celebrate our heritage, and give back to the community.
It has been a long time since we’ve had a big Philippine Festival in the area and so we are proud to host the FIL-AM EXPO 2020. Support us by sharing the news to your friends and family.
The first-ever FIL-AM EXPO 2020 will be held June 13-14 (Saturday and Sunday) at the Dulles Expo Center, Chantilly VA. Go to for more details.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Maraming Salamat,
Cristina Sison
PACC-DC President